Since my Prusa MK3S printer is sitting on a shelf with low headroom, I can't use the top mounted spool holders. This is my simple design of a filament guide, that allows me to use a spool holder that is sitting next to my printer.
Latest Updates:
20 Jun 2020 - 3rd Version
I’ve added a clamp to the filament guide, so that it can’t be pushed of the frame by the filament (although that never happened during my tests).
I’m happy with the result now. No further improvements needed.
18 Jun 2020 - 2nd Version
I’ve updated the design to fix three design flaws that noticed so far:
- The filament guide had to be removed for Z-axis calibration
- The filament slid of over the filament guide at a certain print height
- The ball bearings were not secured well enough
Although this design seems to work fine during my first test print, I don’t like that the holder sits so loosly on top of the printer frame. I’ll add a clamp in the next revision.
01 Jun 2020 - Initial Version
The initial version of the MK3FilamentGuide has been printed, assembled, and testet. The design has many things that could be improved, but for now it does its job well.