The S12G-Micro-EVB is a general purpose break-out board for any member of NXP's MC9S12G micro controller family (in a LQFP48 package). Its dimensions are only 25mm×50mm. It offers 32 GPIOs and the S12G's onchip peripherals (including SCI, SPI, ADV, DAC, ...) The board contains a boost-converter (based on the MCP1640), so that it can be powered by a single battery. An USB interface is provided via a FT232R SCI converter. The EVB can be assembled in two configurations: 3.3V or 5V GPIO.

Latest Updates:

10 Oct 2014 - RevB Boards Have Arrived

My order of RevB boards has arrived yesterday. I had ordered the boards from Seeedstudio.

In my Eagle layout I had just placed a some of the new solder pads on top of my silkscreen lables. I figured that there wouldn’t be enogh room for propper labeling anyway. But Seeedstudio/Fusion actually went through the work of rearranging my lables, so that they would be still visible. What a nice service.

22 Sep 2014 - RevB Boards Designed and Ordered

The first S12G-Micro-EVB has been assembled and built into the AriCalculator prototype:

No issues found so far! No need to design a RevB.

06 Jun 2012 - Project Listed on

The first S12G-Micro-EVB has been assembled and built into the AriCalculator prototype:

No issues found so far! No need to design a RevB.

25 May 2012 - First Board Assembled

The first S12G-Micro-EVB has been assembled and built into the AriCalculator prototype:

No issues found so far! No need to design a RevB.