This is an OpenSCAD library to build 3D printed cases for random things.
Latest Updates:
17 Feb 2025 - Multi-Line Labels
Thanks to ColinNg, the CaseBuilderLib now supports multi-line lables. To use this feature, simply replace the “labT” string by an array of strings:
Each line can also have a different font size. This is done by replacing the “labS” variable by an array of numbers:
09 Aug 2023 - New case printed
Here is a new case design for a Samsung T7 SSD..
19 Apr 2023 - New case printed
I’ve designed a new case to keep all the parts of my air mouse together.
This case needed a tight fitting holeholder for the USB dongle. This had to be done by modifying the calculated CaseBuilder module instance.
28 Jun 2021 - Fourth case printed
Here is a new CaseBuilderLib design. It took less than 10 minutes do design this case and it printed perfectly.
I’ve noticed that this case opens up a lot smoother than the (thermometer) previous one. Both cases use the same latch design, except that the thermometer case is narrower. So one thing to keep in mind for a library improvement is, to adjust the tightness of the latch depending on the distance to the hinge.
19 Mar 2021 - Third case printed
Another case printed.
I’ve printed a new case. This time it’s for a little desk thermometer.
This design makes use of the model offset parameters (objX, objY, and objZ) and I did find a bug in the library. It’s all fixed now.
21 Jul 2020 - Second case printed
I’ve printed a new case.
The time from measuring the bottle that goes inside until I had a STL file to slic, was less than 10 minutes. So, I think the CaseBuilderLib serves its purpose.
With this design I got an even number of hinge elements.
Hinge and latch turned oout fine. The library bug that I’ve observed in the previous case is fixed.
17 Jul 2020 - First case printed
The first case has been printed.
The hinge works very well.
And the latch also turned out pretty good at the first attempt.
However the cavities turned out strange. One side has a strange stringy surface and on the bottom of the other side, there is only a thin membrane over some hollow space.
As it turns out, this strange slizing result was caused by a bug in the library. It created a 0.5mm gap between the inlay and the shell.
I’m amazed that my printer actually managed to print this. The bug is now fixed and I think the CaseBuilderLib is ready for its first release.
21 Jun 2020 - Project started
This is a quick side project to print some protective cases I needed.