This is a 3D printed tray for essential oil bottles. It has been designed to fit in a box with Din A4 foot print.
Latest Updates:
03 Jul 2020 - RevB finished
My second revision of the EOTray has been designed and printed.
The holds are a bit wider and it holds only 60 bottles instead of 72.
I have no more improvements in my mind. Project finished!
28 Jun 2020 - First build
The first two corner pieces have been printed. Each one took about ten hours to finish.
The printed tray pieces fit well in the box and the holes have just the right diameter for the majority of the bottles.
However I did notice too late, that some bottles have a little booklet inside their labels. Those lables stick out a bit and keep the bottles from sliding into the holder. For thóse bottles, the holes need to be bigger.
27 Jun 2020 - Project started
This is a spontaneous new project to store and organize essential oit bottles in a cardboard box.