S12CForth is a Forth implementation for NXP's S12 Microcontrollers. It has been written for the MC9S12C family, but it can be easily ported to other S12(X) products. This project attempts to implement the ANS Forth Standard.
Latest Updates:
27 Jan 2013 - New YouTube Video
I found this presentation that I held about two years ago. I’m a terrible narrator, but I recorded a sound track and put it online anyway. It’s a little introduction to the concepts of Forth and it shows some examples in S12CForth:
12 Jun 2012 - New Web Site
Welcome to the new S12CForth web site. I’ve created this new Jekyll based web site to make easier to post news about the S12CForth project.
24 Mar 2012 - First YouTube Video
Watch this video to see how to setup and run S12CForth in a simulator.