S12CBase is a collection of low level drivers for NXP's HCS12 microcontroller family, written for the HSW12 assembler. This framework has initially been written for the MC9S12C128 and especially for the original OpenBDC Hardware. New realeses will also support the S12G-Micro-EVB and the Mini-BDM-Pod/LFBDMPGMR. The following features are implemented:
- SCI driver (incl. RTS/CTS and XON/XOFF flow control, permanent baud rate detection)
- String and numeric output routines
- LED signal driver (multiple LEDs or seral pattern on single LED)
- Stack monitoring
- Error handling (incl. reset/restart)
- Watchdog handling
Latest Updates:
22 Feb 2013 - S12CBase.01.00
Welcome to the new S12CBase web site. I’ve created this new Jekyll based web site to make easier to post news about the S12CBase project.
12 Jun 2012 - New Web Site
Welcome to the new S12CBase web site. I’ve created this new Jekyll based web site to make easier to post news about the S12CBase project.